We call her the Challenger, as we meet her at the Challenge House meet up, after spending hours online researching Urban Exploration she hit us up. Quickly learning the ropes, she's already become an asset to the group, with Hong Kong twice under her belt, this babe will eventually have the world at her tips.
We call her the Challenger, as we meet her at the Challenge House meet up, after spending hours online researching Urban Exploration she hit us up. Quickly learning the ropes, she's already become an asset to the group, with Hong Kong twice under her belt, this babe will eventually have the world at her tips.
Robot (Robert)

Joins us from the Czech Republic, based in the Waikato. He's always left behind photographing everything abandoned and not only that as his passion for photography stretches well beyond Urbex. He also enjoys recording video, with a keen interest in buildings, and anything else that captures his eyes. Robert had explored locations in NZ as well as back home in Czech republic or Ukraine to mention a few.

Gipsy Danger
Our social butterfly and Thailand explorer now based in NZ. Honoured to have her apart of our crew. Always ready to climb higher then a grass hopper, just like the many 40+ storey abandoned sky scrapers she's explored in Thailand.
Our social butterfly and Thailand explorer now based in NZ. Honoured to have her apart of our crew. Always ready to climb higher then a grass hopper, just like the many 40+ storey abandoned sky scrapers she's explored in Thailand.

Youngest of the group, with a interest in photography and underground, he has added a fresh young mind on how we operate, while we all share a insight to Urbex, as he quickly catches on.
Youngest of the group, with a interest in photography and underground, he has added a fresh young mind on how we operate, while we all share a insight to Urbex, as he quickly catches on.
Tansix (Nathan)

Nathan kicked off a site called UrbanExplorers in 09 on his own, hooking up with everyone else through there, he eventually started Urbex NZ with Bradd. Based in Auckland but from Palmy, likes to explore abandoned hospitals (favorite of all time been Lake Alice) and underground and infiltration. You can always find him on the Urbex Facebook.
- Main Explorers of urbex nz -
(Some Call us Crazy, Some Call us Weirdos. Some have nothing but praise)
Welcome to Urbex New Zealand
The Home of NZ Urban Exploration.
So what's this all about? Urbex is short for Urban Exploration, exploring and photographing abandoned buildings. If you're keen on the sound of this then you've come to the right place. There are different types of things you can do when it comes to Urbex such as, Photography, Infiltration, Draining and Caving or you can do what we like to do, mix them all up and try them all. Common places to explore are hospitals and old houses, NZ's history is pretty young so we can be limited at times when it comes to places but if you keep your eyes peeled you'd be surprised at what you can find. More here! - Recent Updates -![]() October: Blog update
Nathans Australia trip, take a look at the recent blog explorers! ![]() |
September: General updates, Challenge House
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